OUM And Delight Host Chai Talks Women’s Event

On Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. in Bowld 221, the office of University Ministries and Delight hosted a women’s only event as part of the OUM’s Global Focus month, including a Q&A time with a panel of women who have served or are currently serving overseas in missions.

Although Delight is usually held in the Bowld on Tuesday nights, the OUM and Delight partnered together to throw a women’s event that focused on global mission work and the roles of women in those positions.

Many of the panelists started their missionary journeys as single women, going on shorter-term trips overseas. Now, they serve with their husbands and families in larger capacities with the International Mission Board.

Members of the Mobilization teams came up with questions to ask the panelists, hoping to spark conversation amongst college-age women who are thinking about serving either in their local church or overseas.

“It’s encouraging to hear other people’s stories so that they can encourage you and other women in our walks with the Lord,” Corrie, one of the panelists, said.

The questions ranged from “Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled?” to “How did you know you were called to missions?” and even, “What are some of the hardest things you’ve faced as you served the Lord in a missions context?” The questions aimed at revealing the highs and lows of missions in order to educate women on what it looks like to practically serve the Lord and be obedient.

The panelists emphasized the importance of the role of women in ministry and what that means to them individually. They spoke about abiding in Christ and being obedient, while also realizing their God-given strengths and allowing that to guide their decision-making with where they felt the Lord calling them to serve.

The panelists finished by giving advice to women who are looking into missions and a moment designated for prayer requests for these women and their families. Then, there was a facilitated time of small group discussion and worship for those who attended.

“It’s really important to have older women’s experiences because we are young women and we have so much of our lives ahead of us,” Sarah Edgren, junior psychology major, said. “By hearing these missionary stories, they are setting a good example for us about listening to God’s call, and how that can look different for different people, showing us that it’s never too late to be a missionary or say yes to God.”

Photo by Laila Al-Hagal

About Olivia Bell 15 Articles
Olivia Bell is a junior journalism major at Union University and serves as Co-Managing Editor of Cardinal & Cream. She loves iced vanilla lattes, writing about her thoughts, good conversation, cozy fall afternoons, and long walks on the beach. You can connect with her on Instagram @liv179234

1 Comment

  1. It was well written and informative. She gives enough information to get the feel for what happened, yet leaves you wanting to research it a bit more. She could probably write a detailed follow-up for ever question asked. Good job Olivia.

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