That’s My OPINION!!! Episode 5: The Galaxy Far, Far Away

That's My Opinion

In this episode, Naomi and Caroline reveal new depths of their Star Wars fandom in attempting to discuss as many pieces of Star Wars media and controversy as possible in an hour-long conversation, including Sith Lord Jar-Jar, the ethics of droids and of course “The Last Jedi.” Caroline also fangirls just a little over Ahsoka Tano.

This episode contains spoilers for all nine “Star Wars” saga films and “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” We also thought about spoiling “The Holiday Special,” but there’s not much more spoiling that can be done to that.

About Naomi Mengel 31 Articles
Naomi Mengel is a senior journalism major and Spanish minor from Newark, Del. Besides writing, she can often be found reading, drinking green tea, or obsessing over dogs (sometimes all at the same time).