Union University Set To Host Live Stream Of The Secret Church

Union’s Office of University Ministries will host a live stream of the Secret Church event on Friday, April 26 at 5 p.m. in PAC D-3. The Secret Church is a ministry that reflects those Christians who have continued to practice their faith even though they face constant persecution.

The ministry was started after David Platt spent time ministering in many underground house-churches in Asia. The people in Asia were not able to practice their faith like others because of the oppression of the government, yet their faith prevailed. Platt wanted others to understand the trials that people have to endure to pray and worship, but he also wanted to create a gathering to pray for persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

“We really hope that students that are able to come will have a greater understanding of the persecuted church, God’s Word and the implications that has on their lives,” said Stephen Neu, coordinator for service and mobilization in the Office of University Ministries.

The Secret Church’s live stream on Union’s campus will begin at 5 p.m. and last for six hours. Over the course of this time, participants will have the opportunity to sit in prayer, study the Bible and give to those who are persecuted. While this may seem like a long time to be in worship and listen to Biblical teachings, Platt understands the hunger that persecuted Christians have, and they may gather for over eight to twelve hours at a time. He wants to simulate that for those who can worship and pray whenever they want.

“Even though the live event is being held at McLean Bible Church in Washington, D.C., we live in a world where we can be connected all around the world,” Neu said. “We have a great opportunity to join in a ministry and service that has been going on for a number of years.”

For more information about the specific teachings and for an itinerary for the evening, visit https://secretchurch.radical.net/.

About Elise Kolterman 7 Articles
Writing allows me a place to be vulnerable on the page. If your not honest in your writing, the readers know that. Cardinal and Cream has given me a place to be honest, bring my faith and my passion together, and allowed me to grow into the best writer I can be.