Stand Up For Your Sister: Standing Together In The Battle

Photo by Matt McDaniel A group of girls enjoy a fun conversation at the Panhellenic ice cream social on August 22, 2013.

“Cast off the shackles of yesterday, shoulder to shoulder into the fray!” belt the spunky Mrs. Banks and her sister suffragettes in the movie “Mary Poppins.” 

As women, we are surrounded by sisters on campus that want to walk through life with you. No matter your age, race, major or sin you struggle with, there is always someone who wants to support you, and in honor of that sweet truth, Union University’s Residence Life ladies are hosting an event called Stand Up For Your Sister on Thursday, Oct. 17, at 8 p.m. in the Carl Grant Center. It is a unique event that gives women a chance to love and support their sister, whether you know them or not. 

 As I have gotten older, I have realized, seen and felt the importance of having women in my life that I can walk shoulder to shoulder with into life’s hardships and victories. These women have pushed, loved, prayed and laughed with me, no matter what season of life I am in. People like my mom, my grandmothers and my aunts shaped my early years and still love and support me.

However, college is a whole new world. 

College is a beautiful and exciting experience, full of opportunity and growth. But growing pains hurt, and life gets overwhelming. We are relational beings, so it is only natural that we crave community, especially when you have had your fill of school and life. We quickly forget the God we serve and the power that He has over all of our worries. Our wandering hearts need reminding, and sometimes those reminders are in the form of people. 

Over the summer, depression became real to me, and I battled with it in a new and personal way. I was ready to go to sleep and never wake up. I was done with feeling sad and defeated by my sin. Hopelessness was suffocating.

 But then entered my sister (not biological, a sister in Christ). I broke down in my sweet sister’s apartment, and my troubles poured out with my tears. My soul was comforted by her hug, kind smile and gentle voice. I ate grapes on her couch after talking about everything and laughed with her. Our laughs rang out like a freedom cry, and the powerful truth that my Lord has defeated all things that plagued my soul was proclaimed over me by my sister.

I knew I wasn’t alone. 

The next week, another sister welcomed me into her office. We sat, and I was able to talk freely about my thoughts and feelings. Month after month, she walked me through hard transitions and encouraged me to navigate these new waters well. I live with three sisters that radiate the love of Jesus. They are fearless, courageous and kind. Each day, they strive to glorify God and love their neighbor. They push me to be better and do better. 

There are sisters like these all over this campus, and they are waiting for someone to walk alongside. Residence Life provides an amazing opportunity for all our sisters to stand together in our struggles, and there is nothing more beautiful than that picture of community. In whatever battles we face, this event gives a tangible reality that we never stand alone.

If you feel alone, go.

If you feel trapped in sin, go.

If you want to grow closer to women on this campus, go. 

You will not regret standing up for your sister. 

Photo courtesy of Matt McDaniel

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