Pinching pennies? Our ideas for Christmas on a budget

It’s easy to fall headfirst into the Christmas season without planning ahead first. Before you hit the ground running this holiday season, here are few tips that will help you save along the way.

Set a budget

Be realistic. How much money can you really afford to spend this Christmas? Not factoring the cost of food, travel, gifts, decorations and charitable giving can cause your spending to skyrocket quickly.

So, if you haven’t already, sit down and hash out a budget. After your regular monthly expenditures, how much money can you designate toward holiday purchases?

Once you have an amount in mind, jot down the amount you will spend per category (gifts, food, etc.). Don’t worry, though — these numbers are not set in stone; you can move the amount up or down based on your needs.

Tip:  If you find yourself short on cash this year, consider adding a Christmas club account at your local bank.

Brainstorm for ideas

Before you head out to buy, write down a gift idea for each person on your list or the décor items needed.

Download free apps offered by your favorite retailers or check out their websites for announcements, coupons and the latest information on sales. Smartphone users can use no-cost scanning apps such as ScanLife to scan a product’s barcode and find out which local or online establishment has the best price.

If you are really strapped for cash, make decisions about limits on gifts. This is especially important in large families where the costs of buying a gift for every member of the family can soon add up. Seek agreement that you’ll only spend so much per person. This is also a nifty idea to apply when thinking of gifts for friends and co-workers.

Shopping and sales, sales, sales

Take advantage of sales. Those after-Thanksgiving sales and sales closer to Christmas can mean extra cash in your pocket.

Keep an eye on auction sites and overstocked goods sites for bargains.  Use any rebates, coupons, discounts or promotions you have access to. Be sure to ask a sales clerk if they are offering any discounts, especially if you are a student, senior or AAA member.

Always save your receipts and store advertisements. Many stores now offer competitive pricing. If you find an item cheaper at another store, simply bring in the competitor’s advertisement and an associate should be able to match the price for you at the register.

Unnecessary spending

Cut out unnecessary items. Many items aren’t needed and can be pricey. Save money and resources by buying them at a dollar store or not buying them at all. Examples are: ribbons, bows, name-brand tape, labels, etc., which are usually tossed away.

Plastic tablecloths, plates and cups with Christmas designs can be over-priced this time of year. Plain colored tablecloths and dishes from the cupboard work just as well.

The reason for the season         

It’s so easy to get caught up in the Christmas hoopla and forget about the true meaning of the season. The Christmas season is all about celebrating the birth of Christ. Shopping and gift exchange aside, do whatever you can to keep your family’s perspective on Him.

About Veronica Perry 34 Articles
Veronica Perry, a senior public relations major from St. Louis, Mo., is a staff writer for the Cardinal & Cream. Upon graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in public relations.