Five Star APP program helps students with career goals

By Jill Miller
Staff Writer

Creating resumes. Filling out applications. Sitting through interviews.

It’s all part of a typical job search, but those who feel anxious about the process can get help through the Vocatio Center’s Five-Star Aspiring Pre-Professional Program.

The program aims to train students in specialized areas that they will use as professionals.

“The Five-Star APP Program is a value-added program developed to recognize top junior and/or senior students at Union who are intentional about their life calling and career and who desire personalized training and development to achieve their professional goals,” said Jacqueline Taylor, director of the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career and assistant dean of students.

Before being admitted, students are assessed in five work-related areas: academics, leadership and community service, life calling and career focus, skills, abilities, and strengths, and character.

Assessments take place based on the information students provide in a two-page application.

“Once the application has been reviewed and considered, you will come to the Vocatio Center to have a formal interview,” said Renee Jones, assistant director. “After that, we will weigh their score for interviewing, from the application and from their GPA, to select our top candidates.”

The only time to apply for admission is during the fall semester. Applications are due by 4 p.m. Oct. 5. Completed resumes are due via email by 4 p.m. Oct. 3.

If selected, students gain access to individual and group events and sessions designed to enhance professional abilities and skills.

“We do have one-on-one individualized services, but also we invite the recipients of the honor to our group services as well,” Taylor said.

Students receive assistance in “professional credentialing document preparation, interview training, networking/job search strategies and employment referral services, personality assessment and interpretation, and graduate school prep assistance or career counseling/coaching,” Taylor said.

When a student is selected to become a Five Star APP, he receives special recognition, Jones said, “so in our career fairs, students get additional exposure to employers and so internship opportunities (all three: paid, unpaid, and for credit) are available.”

As with many organizations, getting involved sooner rather than later can be beneficial.

“Do not avoid the moment in hopes that ‘I can do it senior year,’” Jones added. “It takes about a year to get a really good employment opportunity.”

Find out more

The only time to apply for admission into the Five-Star APP Program is during the fall semester. Applications are due by 4 p.m. Oct. 5. Completed resumes are due via email by 4 p.m. Oct. 3. For more information, call the Vocatio Center at 661-5421 or visit

About Cardinal & Cream 1030 Articles
The Cardinal & Cream is a student publication of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Our staff ranges from freshmen to seniors and includes a variety of majors — including journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing, digital media studies, graphic design and art majors.