Girl Code: Tats and Piercings

Girl Code is a piece designed to bring together Union University’s strongest female writers, giving them a space to express themselves by answering questions, pondering life, and occasionally mocking the cultures around them. 

Dear Girl Code,

What are your thoughts on tattoos and piercings?

A Rebellious College Kid


I got my first set of earrings when I was thirteen and my mom said I was finally responsible enough to handle it. She was probably right, and through high school, all I had was just a single set of ear piercings. When I got to college though, I decided it was time to rebel a little, and the least destructive way I could think of was by getting my double ear piercings for way too cheap under the table by my hair-dresser with a purple pixie cut, who just so happened to have gotten an earring gun. She also pierced my cartilage that day, and I came home with three new earrings. But the real rebellion set in when I decided to pierce my nose on a whim my sophomore year. I was feeling really edgy, so I called my mom and told her I was planning on doing it – told her, mind you, not asked her – and she was not very keen on the idea. She even told me she’d rather me get a tattoo (which I though was a bit crazy because one is not permanent and one very much is), but I stuck to my guns and got my nose pierced. I kept my rebellious urges at bay, until finally just a few weeks ago, I got my first tattoo.

Obviously, I am pro- tats and piercings. BUT I will say, if you plan to put something on your body at all – permanently or not – you should really think it through first, especially if it is going to be permanent. Pulling the trigger on getting my piercings and tattoos came usually on a whim, but all of them had been well considered long before I ever made any moves to get them done. I suggest waiting at least a month after having an idea of a tattoo or piercing that you would like, just to ensure that it is not a spontaneous mistake, and it is something you actually want, and when it comes to tattoos, I would wait even longer. The best advice I was given was to make the tattoo design your lock screen of your phone for a few months, and if you still like seeing it every day after that, maybe it is something you would not mind having on your body forever!!



My ears were pierced for the first time when I was seven at the small country Walmart where I lived. My mom took me for my birthday and got cute gold earrings. Since then, I’ve gotten two cartilages, my lobes done again (they closed up because of infection) and I also have two nose rings. I’m an adrenaline junky so for me, the rush I get by walking into the studio drives me every time. I have yet to get a tattoo, for money reasons, but I plan on it in the near future.

I think that if you want a piercing or a tattoo then go for it. You can take out any piercing you want and the hole will close up after a few months so why not spend a few dollars to get something you find cute. I’m an impulsive person so I’ve never actually thought about getting any of my piercings before hand. I usually just walk into the tattoo shop and get it done. Should you think about it beforehand? That may be more responsible, but to me it takes the fun out of it. Also, piercings are inexpensive. The most I’ve paid for a piercing is 40 dollars. If you are itching to do something different with your appearance, a piercings is a good starter before doing anything drastic and permanent like a tattoo.



When I was in kindergarten all my friends had their ears pierced. Naturally, I wanted mine pierced too. I begged my mom for months to let me get my ears pierced. She finally decided that if I did well in school that year, then I could get my ears pierced for kindergarten graduation. After having my ears pierced for about a year, I took out my earrings and almost never wore them again. That was until a month before my high school graduation when I decided it was time to pop in some earrings again. My ears haven’t been the same since. A week before I graduated, I got two more piercings in both earlobes. A week after graduation, I got my right cartilage pierced. Then, month into my first semester in college I got a third hole in both lobes pierced and my right tragus pierced in the same day. Even after all that, I want more piercings. My philosophy: skin heels, the holes will grow back if you want them to, so if you’re in the mood, then go for it!

Although I’m a junky for some piercings, tattoos are a different story. You see, as college age students, it’s common that we don’t make the wisest decisions, and tattoos are permanent. You can’t just decide one day to pick up a giant eraser and rub away the quote about dancing in the rain you got tattooed on your forearm one boring Saturday in college. Nope sorry, that’s on there forever. I think it’s wise to wait until later on in life — when you’ve got an established career, a set of values, and a family — to decide what to permanently ink yourself with. I can respect a good tattoo, but body ink just isn’t something to be played with. Because it might seem like a great idea right now to get “wild” tattooed over your heart, but I can almost guarantee that a few years down the road you’ll be wishing you could afford tattoo removal.


About Cardinal & Cream 1030 Articles
The Cardinal & Cream is a student publication of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Our staff ranges from freshmen to seniors and includes a variety of majors — including journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing, digital media studies, graphic design and art majors.