Recording of quotes, printing photos helps keep lasting memories

By Brittany Hughes, Staff Writer

College is supposedly the “time of our lives,” but those college experiences can over time fade away if they are not preserved through photos and physical mementos.

Sara Beth Byars, junior education major, said capturing memories is important in college because everything happens so quickly.

Choosing the appropriate moments to capture is no problem for Rachel Clardy, sophomore business management major.

“Special events aren’t always the things that stick out to me as much,” Clardy said. “Memories that I like to preserve are more of the funny things that my friends and I do when we’re hanging out.”

Clardy said she is not sentimental but still enjoys looking at photos.

“My roommates and I take a lot of pictures, and those mean a lot to me,” she said.

Many stores allow customers to make an online account to upload photos and have them printed within the hour.

Walmart allows customers to do so at a cost of 13 cents per photo. Walgreens charges about the same price as their competitors.

Other websites such as Shutterfly not only offer the service of uploading and printing pictures, which can be done at a price of 13 cents per print, but serve as digital scrapbooks that can be shared with friends and family via the web as well.

The company will even publish the scrapbook and mail it for as low as $12.99.

Both women have gotten creative and found ways other than traditional picture-taking to capture the things that go on in their lives. Clardy, for example, has taken to writing down her memories and quotes she and her roommates say.

“It can be crazy ideas that we look back on and think, ‘Wow that was stupid!’ or it can be silly things that we say about people and one another,” Clardy said.

Byars said she likes to remember through social media and souvenirs.

“I have a soccer jersey that I got in Italy because we were there during the World Cup,” Byars said. “It’s comfortable and also a good reminder of my trip.”

About Cardinal & Cream 1030 Articles
The Cardinal & Cream is a student publication of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Our staff ranges from freshmen to seniors and includes a variety of majors — including journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing, digital media studies, graphic design and art majors.